
2015 Highlights – Year in Review

2016-1-28-Dawn-Headset-BWFor me, December is a season full of holidays for other people.  Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule and others are all very important for my friends and loved ones.  But in my little corner of the universe, New Years is the most important celebration of the season.  It’s time to reflect on the past year and make plans for the next. I usually spend the entire month of January processing all my thoughts about what came before, and then gearing up for the next 11 months of production, relaxation, and everything in between.   2015 was an amazing year, with such tremendous highlights and wonderful achievements so I thought I would take a moment and thank you for joining me on this adventure and to share my personal triumphs.

Th61HupZBUVPL._SX394_BO1,204,203,200_e Cloth of Egypt: All About Assiut – Finished and Released

Although the official release date was October 18, 2014, we actually continued to work on edits through February 2015.  That book was such a labour of love, that culminated an arc of more than 20 years of intensive and passionate research into this exquisite book.  If you love the assiut cloth as much as I do, I hope that you will enjoy checking out my book. Cloth of Egypt: All About Assiut – Available on  or right here on my store.

All About Assiut – Workshops and Interviews

In August I was interviewed by Mahin of Daily Belly Dance Quickies, who came through town on her California Dreaming tour.  We hung out over a weekend filled with workshops, performances, and an informal dance party.

Mahin’s Website  and  Mahin’s YouTube Channel  

I was super excited to take my show on the road and presented workshops and lectures about Assiut throughout California.  My favorite was when I took my slide show up to the De Young museum in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.  I teamed up with vintage assiut collector and dealer, Nancy Hernandez to present

Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage

In early 2015, I embarked on a group project with author Sara Shrapnel of Teaching Belly Dance, my good friend and long time collaborator, photographer Alisha Westerfeld, and international dance sensation Poppy Maya.  The four of us are working on a new book entitled, Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage.  Photo Below: Second Cover Proof

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This is a stagecraft handbook for dancers who are ready to share their dance technique with the world through public performances.  In this book, we take the reader step-by-step through the process of preparing to be entertaining.  At 402 pages, this is the biggest writing project I’ve ever worked on before, but it’s very exciting.

Sara Shrapnell’s WebsiteBook Teaching Belly Dance on

Last summer, when we were in the text editing phase of the book process, we took time out from our busy schedules to meet with the glamorous Mahin for an interview about the book.

Interview with Mahin 

I’m Dancing Again

One of the most exciting things for me was that I have returned to dance after recovering from back and shoulder injuries. The “dance sins” of my youth have caught up with me in the form of repetitive motion injuries. My knees are shot from over use, I had a two-year battle with a frozen shoulder, and the ligaments that hold my SI joints have simply worn out.  Aging is hard, but the alternative is much worse!

Instead of giving up, I’m working on strength building, position modifications, and building a different dance vocabulary composed of gentle movement that will not stress my joints.  Part of being a venerable dancer is learning to accept body changes that are the result of having once pushed myself to the limits. I have also learned to really listen. When my body feels discomfort, or downright pain, I just have to stop.  Gone are the days of “pushing through.”  I’m planning on dancing to the end of days. This means listening, adapting, learning new gentler methods, and becoming a better dancer through a conscious editing and and construction of my skills. 


In 2915, my wanderlust created in me a desire to take to the seas. In 2015 I took two cruises, or rather, I took the same cruise twice. Since those trips, I’m now a convert to the cruising lifestyle. Moving forward with my life, I’m ready to set sail with an hours notice.  Way back in 1998, My first cruise was a belly dance intensive, with Aisha Ali and Fahtiem as headliners.  What a great trip that was!  I vividly remember the classes we took in a country themed two-step bar on a Princess ship.  I don’t even remember the name of the boat, much less the night club, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. So if you hear about any belly dance cruises, please-please put me on that mailing list!  Photo:  Bay of Cabo San Lucus, March, 2016

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I’m looking forward to revealing some of my upcoming plans for 2016 and beyond in future posts, and I’ll be starting a series of new “Book Reports” on the progress of the new book, Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage.

Thanks for letting me take a moment of self-indulgent reflection on the past year.  I appreciate you joining me on this journey! 

Dawn Devine ~ Davina
Feb 6, 2015

By Davina

Davina ~ Dawn Devine is a belly dance costume designer, dance instructor and author of more than a dozen publications on Middle Eastern dance.