
Goblet Skirt

Studio Davina Goblet Skirt

This is the final “Goblet Skirt” from Studio Davina.  I’ve made loads of Goblets since I opened my costuming business in 1986.  Too numerous to count at this point nearly 40 years later!

I named the “Goblet” based on the shape of the tabla or “Goblet Drum.”  My goal was to create a great skirt that showed of the shape of the hips while being full at the hem. This is a beautiful design for “spinners” who want the best of both worlds, showcasing the curves and the moves.

Shalimar models a Goblet on the left and a Georgette "Low Waste" skirt on the right.

Goblet Skirt in Pink

Shalimar’s Pink Goblet is a prime example of how you can get a very sleek fit when still, but still provide lots of flow during performances.  Check the skirt in motion at this holiday performance at the Bean Scene in Sunnyvale, California.

Making a Goblet Skirt

Are you interested in making a goblet-style skirt?  It is a five-panel construction using a combination of gores and godets.  There are three gored panels in the front and two pieces in the back.  The center back seam allows for an easy customized fit of the derriere.

There is a discussion of gores and godets in my book “Skirting the Issues and Pants for the Dance.”  With a few simple tools and a little know-how, you can quickly make a custom-fitted skirt pattern to your, or your client’s, physique. Available on Amazon or at my Etsy Store.

"Skirting the Issues" Illustrations by Dawn Devine - Adding Fullness to Skirts

No Deadline Era

It’s the end of an era.  But the beginning of a new season at Studio Davina.  Moving forward I will focus my costume design and construction in service to more videos, blogs, articles, and books.

When I make a garment or accessory, the key battle cry will be “No Deadlines” to preserve the health and vitality of my hard-working costumer hands.  I haven’t stopped, I’m just turning down the dial to accommodate this season of my life.

Need more info on goblets with gores and godets?  Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive notifications when blogs, demos, and workshops debut.

Now off to finish the final goblet,
Dawn Devine ~ Davina
June, 2024

The Last Goblet Skirt by Studio Davina

By Davina

Davina ~ Dawn Devine is a belly dance costume designer, dance instructor and author of more than a dozen publications on Middle Eastern dance.