General Makeup and Appearance

Happy New Year – Website Changes and Plans for 2016

Hello Gang – Happy New Year!!!

This blog post kicks of a new series for 2016: Makeup Monday!

Throughout 2015, I have been working on the forthcoming book, Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage, I realized that my “makeup skills set” was better than I had pegged it. On a scale from one to ten, I always fancied that I was a good solid 4. However, it turns out, that all the classes I’ve taken with professional makeup artists, my experience in modeling, dance, and theater, and that my skills-set might actually be somewhere around a 7, or somewhere between B+ to A-.

As Sara, Poppy, Alisha and I developed the content, it became clear that only a FRACTION of our combined knowledge about makeup could fit in our designated pages. But rather than let that content disappear or hoard it to ourselves, we’ve decided to share the info via our blogs.

Thank you for your continued support of my publications and projects! I hope you find these makeup articles interesting and inspiring!

Happiest of New Years!
Dawn Devine ~ Davina
January 4, 2015

BellyDance-Makeup-1 BellyDance-Makeup-2


Hot Travel Tip – Portable Pharmacy

This winter season I’m doing a lot of traveling.  I went on a family holiday cruise to Mexico in mid December and next week, I’m heading out again to Vegas to connect with friends who are attending CES – Consumer Electronics Show.  In Las Vegas, however, I’m NOT attending CES!  Instead, I’m going to be working on my new 2016 blogging project, “Makeup Mondays,” where I talk about products and techniques that will help you up your performance makeup game.  As I unpack my bags, and then repack, I thought I would share an indispensable item that permanently live in my my travel kit.  It’s not often that one little kit can make life easier and provide piece of mind.  What is it?  My customized portable pharmacy!



My portable and highly customized portable pharmacy is super simple to put together.  All you need is a week long pill organizer with enough capacity for three days of product. I choose my essential products, the ones that make my life more comfortable, and gather them together.  I used my handy P-Touch label maker to mark the product name and dosing directions.  I popped the labels onto the compartments and then load it up.  And it’s done!

Yep – there’s a typo on there too!  I know that the P-Touch label tape isn’t a precious commodity, but really, I didn’t think a typo was worth fixing. (Life Lesson: Wear glasses when using the P-Touch!)  I choose to leave the Sunday compartment unlabelled so that I can include something unusual for me that might be trip specific. For the cruise, I took along some dramamine, and just popped a hand written note into that compartment with the dosing.

During my cruise, I had a little too much fun dancing, and my old creaky knees were grateful that I had everything on hand that I needed to cope with up to 6 hours of dancing every day!  This was so useful, I’ve decided to break down and make a second one to keep in my dance kit too!

Happy Travels,
Davina ~ Dawn Devine
December 28, 2015

You can get weekly pill caddies at virtually any pharmacy, grocery store, or big-box discounter.  Here are two I am considering for my dance kit: or  Need a P-Touch?   I use my label machine all the time, I couldn’t imagine life without it!


San Diego Sunrise on the Holland America Veendam, December 2015.

Belly Dance Publications

First Proof Arrives – Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage

Hello Gang,

Just wanted to touch base with all of my friends, family, fans, and followers and say:

Happy Holidays!!!

Over the past two months, I’ve been putting in long hours working on a tremendous new book project, “Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage.” Sara Shrapnell, author of “Teaching Belly Dance,”photographer Alisha Westerfeld, international professional belly dancer Poppy Maya and myself, have teamed up to create a text book for the art of belly dance.This isn’t a book about how to dance, but rather, it’s a book about how to manage all of the processes that go into crafting a good performance.

Over the past two months, I’ve been putting in long hours working on a tremendous new book project, “Becoming a Belly Dancer: From Student to Stage.”   Sara Shrapnell, author of “Teaching Belly Dance,”  photographer Alisha Westerfeld, international professional belly dancer Poppy Maya and myself, have teamed up to create a text book for the art of belly dance.  This isn’t a book about how to dance, but rather, it’s a book about how to manage all of the processes that go into crafting a good performance. 

This was a big week for our team.  After nearly a year of work, we reached an important milestone.  Our very first proof arrived! 

Although we are a few months away from being finished, we decided that it was time to get the manuscript printed to ensure that we are moving forward on a good trajectory.  At this stage of the game, we are looking to identify which photographs need improving, either by adjusting the brightness and contrast, or by going back to the original color shot and adjusting the tonal qualities of the various colors.  Sometimes, something that looks very spectacular in color, like a pink and blue costume for instance, can turn muddy when converted to black and white. Especially if the blue and the pink tones convert to the exact same shade of gray! 

As we massage the text, work the photos, and play with the layout, the book is finally taking shape.  I’ll follow up with more details of what info is included in this book in future posts.  But in the meantime, I’m just so very happy to be able to share this spectacular moment! 

Happy Holidays Indeed!!

Yours in Dance and Costuming,
Dawn Devine ~ Davina
Dec. 9, 2015



Who’s That Girl in Assiut? Terpsichore

As many of you know, I have an ever growing collection of vintage postcards of lovely ladies, actresses, singers, and dancers lavishly dressed in assiut. However, I’ve never been able to land my hands on a hard-copy of this incredible image. I first spotted this photo of an unknown dancer many years ago during an internet search. But, I could never hunt down an original.  This appears to be a theatrical post-card, widely used in the first quarter of the 20th century as a keepsake for fans after stage and cinema performance.  Due to the age of the photo, this image is in the public domain, and consequently, there are thousands of digital copies floating around the web.  Our  mystery beauty is wearing an absolutely fabulous pair of assiut harem pants embellished with beads and fringe.  The dancer signed this post-card with her stage name or the title of her role, Terpsichore, a popular theme for early-modern art dancers.  Her lovely ensemble has all of the hallmarks of orientalist costumes typical of the era from 1905 – 1920.  I keep seeing her around the web, floating across Pinterest boards and Tumblr feeds, but never on a sale page.  Someday, I hope to make her a part of my permanent collection.  Until then, I’m happy to admire this digital version.   Be inspired.

Dawn Devine ~ Davina
Nov. 15, 2015


Costuming DIY Design

Organizing Sewing Tools

Hello gang!

Essential sewing tools: Pin cushion, needles, pins, thimble, thread, bee's wax, sewing shearsOver the long years of my professional sewing career, I’ve moved through many phases of organization in response to my changing needs.  I’ve lived in small spaces that required keeping my tool supply very condensed and contained.  There have also been times when I have worked in theatrical costume shops, in bridal salons, or for small design houses as a pattern and sample maker.  In all of those situations, I needed to have a portable storage solution, with all of my tools organized, labeled and ready to go at a moments notice.  During that phase of my career, I kept all of my tools contained in a tackle box.  I still have that tackle box, and I take it when I’m teaching classes and workshops outside of my home.

Portable sewing tool storage in a fishing tackle box.  Perfect for when you need all your tools in one handy place and ready to take with you on costuming assignments.I’ve also, at times, had the luxury of space.  Twice I’ve had access to shared artistic spaces outside of my home where I could spread out. But that also meant either having a duplicate tool kit or lugging my tools with me on a daily basis.  I chose to duplicate, which means that I now have backups of all my most important gear.

Today, I am lucky to have two-rooms in my home devoted, for the most part, to my business.  One is a sewing room that also serves as a guest room, and frequently looks like a tornado hit it. This sewing room, however, is really easy to put back into shape when guests are due to arrive!  My other business space is a mixed-use room that was identified as a formal living room by the real estate agent, but has become my dance space, library, photo studio, and fitting room all rolled up into one. That is “Studio Davina” where I work with clients, students, and dance associates.

Table top sewing storage idea - use a small box lid to contain your sewing tools.What this means is that I frequently meet to move my sewing tools from my sewing room to Studio Davina.  While my tackle box is mighty, what I really need is something that contains the essentials I need for fittings and hand sewing. This container also needed to be easy to carry, and keep clean and tidy.  The tackle box was great, but it’s pretty big! Here’s a modern version similar to my now vintage tackle box.  But realized that since there is a lot of duplication in my work tools, and I could set up a permanent sewing station in my public space, Studio Davina.

My first experimentation began with a simple upcycled lid from a photo storage box that had gotten damaged in my last move.  The lid survived, the bottom, alas, did not.  The beauty of using this box lid was that it was big enough to hold all my tools, deep enough to contain pins, and made a good target for tossing my equipment back into as I worked.  The downside, as I discovered, is that a box lid is not waterproof.  If you have a beverage nearby, you might loose your container in a spill.  Did I mention I have a cat?  The box lid was destroyed in a cat-tastrophe, and I had to find another solution or buy another box like this one.

Junk Drawer Organizer - for table top sewing tool organization - www.davina.usWhen deciding my next move, I knew that a flat, open top box was ideal. But I also missed the divided trays of my tackle box to keep things from shifting.  So, I spent a few moments calculating.  What I needed was a plastic box with organizing compartments, an open top so I can just throw things in, and sized to conveniently hold the tools I use on a regular basis.  And voila!  It hit me.  What I needed was a junk drawer organizer.

I found this organizer over on Amazon, and was thrilled when it arrived because the compartments were already conveniently laid out.  This is a double-decker model with a top tray that lifts out.  So I put my pins, snips and marking tools in the top tray to allow me to easily move them around. Fittings generally involve sitting on the floor and marking hems, and this removable top tray makes it easy to keep my stuff contained when I’m scootching about on the floor.

I try to clean it up and put everything back into it’s place every other month or so.  As many of you know, sewing tools can get crazy out of hand if not occasionally picked up!  Now that I’m all cleaned up, it’s time to get back to sewing!

Happy Costuming and Dance!
Dawn Devine ~ Davina
October, 27, 2015