Costuming DIY

Dahlal Internationale – Inspirations and Eye Candy

In case you haven’t checked it out, Dahlal Internationale has this great feature in their quarterly newsletter, Dancer Designs.  In each issue, they convert, transform or create a belly dance costume ensemble from items in their product line.  This brilliant little piece of marketing is highly useful for the DIY seamstress or designer. These costuming projects are primarily composed of their own products such as hip wraps, veils and other costume accessories.  Suggestions vary from basic things you can do to transform a hip wrap (like the Peacock Draped Bra or an assortment of wraps)to more complicated projects that create full ensembles ( like The Faux Minya Dress) and costume pieces requiring more complex construction (such as their embellished Godet Pants.)    Design at right from Dahlal page – The Coin Bolero Top

The Dahlal Dancer Designs archive contains dozens of design ideas to rev up your creative juices.  The use-what-you-have mentality applies equally to their merchandise and to your own personal costume collection.  Even if you don’t use their exact materials, their well-written descriptions can help you breathe a new life into your existing wardrobe.  The key is to look at your accessories and costume pieces in new ways – and let the inspiration take you.

Kudos to Dahlal for not only offering us great products to buy, but for giving us great examples of how to think like a designer. Excellent directions for what I affectionately call “Closet Costuming” – the art of transforming your existing wardrobe in new and innovative ways.  If you have some time – check out the Dahlal site.  If you like it, be sure to sign up for their newsletters.  Even if you don’t sew, check out this website.  Their photos are lush, their costume gorgeous and their models look every inch the belly dancer.

Happy Costuming,
Dawn Devine ~ Davina


Fun Half Sole Shoes

Have you seen the new line of Funky Diva Half Sole Shoes?   I found them over on Discount Dance Supply and think they are fun, funky and really practical. Discount dance is carrying two styles with floral and heart motifs inspired by tattoo art like.  Comfy mesh with a sprinkle of rhinestones and a padded sole, for comfort when spinning.  These would be fun for practice and performance.   I’ve used Discount Dance to purchase many of the shoes in my personal wardrobe.  Some of my favorites include a pair of black character shoes from Block which are a go-to Flamenco-fusion style pieces and a pair of black dance sneakers from Leo that I wear when teaching dance and performing more funky fusion pieces.  If you are in the market for dance shoes, I highly recommend a visit to their store.

Belly Dance General

Belly Dance for Fun and Fitness

Davina with Veil

Belly Dance for Fun and Fitness

Starting February 1
Tues. 6:30 – Lunatic Fringe in Sunnyvale.
This is 50 minutes of low-impact belly dance movement. Strengthen your arms, your core, your bottom and thighs. I’ve lost 50+ lbs and will share with you the moves and strategies that helped get me there. 
$15 dr…op in, $60 for 5 classes, $100 for 10 classes.

If you would like more details or have questions about this new class, please drop me a line.


Happy New Year!

Dawn Devine ~ Davina - Oct. 2010Hello Gang! As you may have noticed, I’ve been quite silent over the past month and a half. In December of 2010, I had to suddenly move. The life of a renter leaves one at the mercy of the landlord, and mine needed to move back into his own home. So, on short noticed, I had to move both my home and my business. Last month was dominated by a litany of packing while this month is all about fitting my old things into new places. A huge thanks to Jerry, Joe E., Joe D., Josh, Kwame, and Peterson who each lifted about 1000lbs of books.

I also want to send out a tremendous thanks to Paloma who has offered to share a commercial office above and behind Lunatic Fringe in Sunnyvale CA. As soon as I am done unpacking and organizing my sewing space, I will host an open house to folks in the greater Bay Area. I hope to be back at work by Valentines day!

As I have been working on this massive undertaking, I have found numerous notebooks with old article ideas, past projects, and unfinished manuscripts in various stages of doneness. Hundreds of sketches of belly dancers – some costumes are really quite fun, and others – well, lets just say, I know why they were in that bottom filing drawer!

Over the next few weeks, I will share with you the odd bits and pieces written over the past few years. And while these articles may be disconnected thematically, there’s lots of interesting information to share in the upcoming weeks.

I hope your 2011 brings you plenty of good times, great dancing and fantastic costumes!
Thank you all for your continuing support.

Dawn Devine ~ Davina

General Publications

Hints and Tips – In German

Many years ago, a reader in Germany took the time to translate Hints and Tips into German.   She sent me a copy long ago, and it languished, lost in a hard drive under my desk.  Now, years later, I’ve found this document.  Although I’ve since lost the name and contact information for the translator, I am indebted to her for the time she spent working on this project.  Thank you!

Hints & Tips in German – Download .pdf here.