My favorite free digital tool for belly dance costume design and historical research is Pinterest. I think of Pinterest as the younger, cuter, but a little ditzier cousin of Google search. If you haven’t visited Pinterest recently, I recommend you consider it. It’s a great tool for planning, making, or purchasing items for your belly dance wardrobe.
With Pinterest, you can search a tremendous visual database for ideas and inspirations. But even better than the search features, are the free tools and storage space. Use Pinterest to store your favorite images in an organization system that works for you.
But Pinterest for belly dancers goes beyond costume design. Here’s how I use Pinterest as a multi-purpose from my belly dance business.
Using Pinterest Boards for Design
When I’m working on a costume, I will create a private board and share it with my clients and collaborators so we can discuss the design elements and features that we’re integrating into the overall design.
If you are designing garments for yourself, you can use these same tools to plot and plan, finding out what fabrics, materials and supplies are available. As I “shop the web” I pin images and links to the supplies I might choose to purchase to complete my project. This makes it very easy to do side-by-side comparison shopping for both quality and price.
Read my past blog “Using Pinterest Sections” for more organizational tips.

Using Pinterest as Shopping Aid
I’ve installed a widget to my Google Search Bar that lets me effortlessly send pictures and links to my Pinterest boards. In the example below, I’ve visited, an internet store that I trust, to look for fabrics and design elements for this “Blue Mermaid” ensemble.
When I find a costume piece I want to consider for future purchase, I click on the Pinterest icon at the top left corner of the image. Then, using the drop-down feature, I select the board to save the image.
Building a Belly Dance Costume Design Portfolio on Pinterest
Of course if you, like me, make your own costumes and want a totally free and accessible location building your design portfolio, Pinterest is the perfect place!
In fact, though I have this blog where I share loads of design tips and tricks, works-in-progress shots, and finished garments, I have boards dedicated to sharing my work on Pinterest.
There are two ways you can add to your portfolio. You can drag and drop your images directly to the site. If this is your primary portfolio location, I recommend using links to your favorite social media outlet. This is a great way to gain new followers on your Instagram, YouTube, or any popular platform.
If you have an established blog or YouTube channel, link from your posts and videos directly to Pinterest to share your content. I have found that over the years, Pinterest generates the most organic inbound links to my blog.

Pinterest for Belly Dance Publicity
If you’re a professional dancer, building out a Pinterest page is a great way to share your content. Since accounts are free, it’s a great way to share your content when you’re operating on a limited budget.
Use your publicity shots, event flyers, videos of past performances, to build a record of your body of work as a dancer. When potential students, or booking agents want to see what you’ve done, this is a great place to send them.
Bottom line, since Pinterest is a free and searchable platform where people go for ideas, inspirations, and information, it’s a great place to share your work. It’s free, it’s not behind a membership or paywall, and is a tool I use weekly, if not daily.

Streamline your Belly Dance Content Sharing using Pinterest
Collect your content from around the web and store links on Pinterest boards. I love having links all in one convenient storage place. If I need to send someone a video, I simply come here and snag the link. This page works like an index of my digital work. On this board I store links to websites with podcast interviews, dance performances, and more.
Basically, anywhere I might have appeared on sites around the web. And unlike a boring spreadsheet, I can use visual clues to find the links fast!
I hope have a festive and merry holiday season!
~ Dawn Devine ~ Davina