Belly Dance Costumes to Color
new eBook coming in August
I’m so happy to announce that I’m nearing the end of the drawing phase of the coloring book I’ve been working on for the past few months. I’ve spent a lot of time at the drawing table, and have created a lot of good drawings, a lot of bad drawings, and a few that are simply lovely.

Over the past few weeks, I have been showing off the working sketches in progress. I’ve had several dancers ask questions and offer me advice about which ones to include, which to delete, and where to make changes. “What’s wrong with her nose?” “Are her hands supposed to look like that?” and “I’d wear that!” are all things I’ve heard recently. But by far the most common question is “How much will this cost?” and “Where can I buy that?”
Belly Dance Costumes to Color is going to be released as an eBook and will be available in August. For subscribers to the Costumer’s Notes Newsletter – good news – this coloring book is going to be FREE as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter. For those who want a no-strings-attached version, it will be available as a $5 downloadable .pdf. Not everyone wants to read my newsletter and I totally understand, so I’m going to offer these two options.
Drawing pictures of belly dancers has just been a ton of fun! I’m hoping that my readers and fans will enjoy having this opportunity to get creative with these pages. I recommend colored pencil or fine-tipped marker, but if you want to use a more traditional crayon, by all means, enjoy!
Me – I’m heading back to the drawing board to see what else pops out. I think I’m in a folkloric mood today!
I’ll post a few more samples next week. Until then, Happy Costuming! ~ Dawn Devine ~ Davina